Having spent long hours building endurance (step 1) and blending in some speed work (step 2), I'm now up to step 3. "And what is this step 3?", I hear you ask in my small imaginary mind. Well, step 3 is managing muscles to cope with workload. Or was that step 4 or 5 after eating the right things and turning on the mental game.
So there you have it ... Toast's 5 Part Marathon Plan
* build endurance
* turn on your mental game
* blend in speed
* eat right
* manage muscles to cope with workload
On Thursday I managed to get in a see Nathan at the Queensland Sport Medicine Centre. He got me to walk, see how far away I could get my foot from the wall before I couldn't touch it by bending my knee and then dug his fingers into my leg asking me to relax the muscle. His prognosis ............. "Oh dear, you have a lot of crap in there".
Apparently, ignore the pain and it will go away, is not the right strategy. Now I get to push tennis balls, knees and elbows into inflexible parts of my leg to release the muscle. The next 6 weeks, I'll be working on that. It has something to do with working on trigger points and the exciting part is that I will improve my flexibility and therefore stride length. This makes for faster more free flowing Toast! .... wheeeeee.
My sister gave me this book for my birthday. Awesome! We have already tried 3 recipes and my favourite has been the banana, celery and curry by Dido.
But that is not all ......
My daughter was concerned that a mirror might not travel without getting broken, so she got me this to check out what I look like:
And the Andrew, saw his and said it reminded him of me:
obviously because ...... ummm .... it's good for playing practical jokes? right?
My parents gave me a portable step to get in and out of the Jeep. I put the step to immediate use after my adventures with the Vasectomy dude.