Monday, September 24, 2007

"things like this are a true test to how much you want it"

2 hours pool running!

2 weeks to go!

Calf is improving, and so is my confidence of making the start ready to go.

What did the coach say when I asked if I had to do 2 hours of pool running as per my program?

'Well, bring on the "true test" (and a waterproof iPod case)'.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Running through my mind

I feel that my ankle has finally recovered. Ok that's the good news out of the way.

I managed to follow up my root canal with a cold, and my running came to a complete halt for the week.

On Sunday, after a full week without so much as a fartlek, I lined up for the 10 km River Run. A lot of things run through my mind, and I often keep them to myself. This day was no different, my mind was occupied with the many thoughts that I keep to myself. This allows me to hold the illusion of sanity just that little bit longer. The Only Normal People Are the Ones You Don't Know Very Well. - Joe Ancis

As I queued for the pre-race bathroom visit, I wondered if the seat would be warm (I hate this). I also wondered if eating beans the night before was a good idea. I did a pre-race warm up, and noticed how tight my left calf felt. I built up to doing some strides, and all seemed ok. I wasn't feeling particularly fresh, and perhaps I was a little flat. I wondered if I would be able to breathe properly, and if I was sufficiently clear of my cold.

Starting the race, I was holding pace comfortably with 4:04 for the first kilometre. The next marker came 4:14 and I was tracking close to the goal of 4:10s, which Coach Pat had assigned to me.

Quite an uneventful race continued. And although I concentrated on maintaining pace, I noticed that I had to increase my effort. By half way, I wasn't particularly confident of achieving anything special on the day, and settled to ensure that, at the least, I wasn't going to drop off too much.

As I was just upon the 8 km marker, my left calf went. PING! I felt a sharp pain with each step. A few more steps and I started to walk. Walking wasn't that painful, but a couple of attempts to run were. I felt that nothing would be gained by injuring myself any further.

Missing out on this race meant little to me.

... and then I thought about it some more.

* There is not much time left to recover before the Melbourne Marathon in 3 weeks.

* I can't go through the pain of a marathon with a torn calf again like last year. I just can't!

* Any chance of running my best in Melbourne is now gone.

In the 2 km to the finish line, over 400 runners passed me. It was the longest 2 km in my life.

By the time I walked in, I had convinced myself that my marathon hopes and all the training in preparation had evaporated. Give me a root canal any day.

I started to turn things around in my mind. What can I do now? Is there something I wasn't doing because of the dedication to my training?

Katy and I went down the beach. I enjoyed a swim in the surf, and started to feel much better.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Is this really necessary coach?

Tuesday .... ran 3k time trial with great support and help from Mike. He wrote about it here. Then straight on to a plane to Perth for work. Back Friday night.

Saturday I followed up treatment on my ankle with acupuncture and cups. Long run Sunday with Ally. All this with increasing tooth pain.

Monday night more pain at the Physio.

This Tuesday morning Root Canal!

Wednesday back on a plane bound for Melbourne, back Satuday night in time for the River Run race on Sunday.