Mountain Week has nothing to do with hill reps.
To me, it is the week that is the peak of training in miles run and just before the taper.
There doesn't seem to be a lot written about this week, although it is found hidden in the various training programs without so much as a title.
I'm a big believer in the significance of Mountain Week and all that it stands for. For some, it may seem strange that although I am so close to the end of the training program it is the hardest time to get out of bed and finish off the climb. Let me share a little of what I have found .....
Mountain Week Fact #1: "You can't run as fast when your body is fatigued"
This fact plays with my mind. Why was that run so slow? Why can't I get faster, if I'm training harder? How can I possible reach my goal time when I can't get close in training?, etc etc. Fear not my friends, the piggy bank is swelling with deposits for your race.
Mountain Week Fact #2: "The closer to the peak the higher the risk of injuries"
For weeks now I've been slowly building distance and blending in speed drills. What I will do this week, could not have been done, even a few weeks ago, without damaging my muscles. They have got used to things, but, at the same time fragile. Like mountain climbing (I guess) working on tired legs leaves them more vulnerable than if there was more rest time and less workload. One slip now and I could plummet.
So ..... my first ascent of Mountain Week was a 15K cruise in cold wet conditions. I wore gloves. Not running with gloves, when it's cold and wet, makes as much sense as a bum full of smarties.
Nothing really eventful with this run except I heard a duck out on the floating bridge. There wasn't anyone around ...... it could have been me! Or was it you? The splits were all over the place starting just over 5 min per K (8min/mile) and then dropping under. Strange for me was that whenever I tended to slow down, I was able to pick it up again without too much trouble. Even after 10K, which has me feeling quite strong at the moment.
Tomorrow I'll do a double, morning and evening run.