Monday, July 16, 2007

The start of the program

Before we start a program, I have to write down what I did before the gold Coast marathon .....

"Here are the distances of my weekend long runs after Canberra marathon and before the Gold Coast. In addition to these, I rode a bike on the following Sunday for a few hours. During the week, I usually did one PCRG session and a Wednesday Tempo run (details of the Tempo runs are after the long run details). On the other days I generally ran 10k easy with a rest day on Fridays ......"

On Wednesday I got this ....

"I had a good look at the type of training you were doing. You tend to focus a great deal on running close to Marathon pace in training which I do feel is energy not well spent. I would prefer to see you focus more on your intense/fast sessions and to run at a comfortable pace in your remaining runs. Your long training runs were scarce and you squeezed in a few big days here and there which would have left you flat....."

And Pat is right that I didn't do as many long runs before the Gold Coast and there were more marathon pace sessions. I did pick up speed with PB's from 3k TT to Doomben Half, but my endurance suffered and I feel so much better having understood this.

I have an assignment .... July 24 to record 8 x 500 metre efforts. Then Pat will set goals for my next time trial.

AND ... I am doing a 10K race .... but that's a little later.

How could you not be? ..........

But there's even more .... in my program I record resting Heart Rate in the morning, which was about 54 this morning ..... not bad when you wake up next to a goddess.

It's not all good news, as I believe I have one of the top 10 overuse injuries of runners. This is more than likely Posterior tibialis tendonitis .... aren't you impressed with the information you can get on the internet? I am in the process of making an appointment with the Queensland Sports guys to work on this, before it gets out of hand.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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8:51 pm  
Blogger Bolder said...

i just took my resting heart rate, and it was 54 too.

which is surprisingly low considering the excitement level of this post, and that i was watching some good foresaken version of 'I'm so excited'...

i claim victory.

10:38 pm  
Blogger E-Speed said...

Hmm maybe this pain is what I have too. Ever since Youngstown Half in february the inside of my right foot has been a bit of a pain. Not enough to stop. But enough to be quite annoying!

1:07 am  
Blogger 21stCenturyMom said...

I'm SO excited! I'm excited that you are moving to a more useful training plan and that you are going to the sports injury people.

OO...... I want to squeeze you...please you....

oops - sorry mate - lost me 'ead.

3:14 am  
Blogger Unknown said...

It sounds nice to be able to have someone analyze your data for you and then come up with a plan. I hope my teaching salary can afford this at some point.

3:43 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

not only a cheesy song, a cheesy rendition. that makes it grand cheesy.

i had the post tib. sucks. couldn't walk after a race. couldn't walk for 2 months. i just hope you remember how strong i was. you know guys. they just bitch and moan when they're sick unlike women. pah! pansies.

8:05 am  
Blogger Peterhorse said...

interesting about the MP running - i was just about to try and do more of that after reading CR - will watch with interest. please don't tell Mrs H that i wake with HR of 47, she might not take it well.

and btw, i notice from that link that you and O'Llama have the same hair styles??

9:40 am  
Blogger psbowe said...

Hopefully it's not serious injury and you'll get to work on that endurance plan sooner than later.

9:55 am  
Blogger Ginger Breadman said...

I love that song! I remember having a pillow fight with it cranked when I was in 9th grade and we won the state cross-country championships - it was our theme song!

I hope the owie isn't too bad. Take care of it or it'll get worse.

2:57 pm  
Blogger Tesso said...

How sad is my life - my resting heart rate when I wake up is usually 44 or 45.

10:27 pm  
Blogger Ewen said...

I'd be excited too, if I woke up next to a goddess. Back-up singer. Cat. Anything.

10:55 pm  
Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

Just stopping by for the first time.

The new training plan sounds interesting.

I'll come back and visit again soon.

3:25 am  
Blogger WrunnerGal said...

don't let it go too far

that would be just wrong

7:48 am  
Blogger Rob said...

Sounds like a tough session tomorrow Toasty. 8 x 500m efforts should sort you out pretty well. Don't go doing yourself any more injury now and mke sure the goddess doesn't go distracting you too much.

8:41 pm  
Blogger massoman said...

i'm looking forward to seeing the progress you'll be making by working with a coach. i think you've choosen a good one.

my resting heart rate is around 50-52. maybe i just don't wake up.

11:58 pm  

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